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Happened year 2020

fotogallery 2020

Marketing in art

January 30, 2020

Parentesi Association - Varese (Va)

Workshop on the importance of marketing and the web in the art world.
Organized by ArtistaOnLine

Speaker Giovanni Tommasi


May 30, 2020

1st edition Review Reviviscenze Musicali
Villa de Strens - Gazzada Schianno (Va)

Insubria Chamber Orchestra
Maestro Giorgio Rodolfo Marini , Director
Carlo Levi Minzi , Piano
.TO. Mozart – Concerto for piano and strings K. 414 WA Mozart – Divertimento for strings K. 136

Moonlight serenades

June 6, 2020

1st edition Review Reviviscenze Musicali
Villa de Strens - Gazzada Schianno (Va)

Nausicaa Nisati - Mezzo soprano
Donata Mattei - Harp

From Pergolesi to Morricone

September 26, 2020

1st edition Review Reviviscenze Musicali
Church of San Martino - Vergiate (Va)

Insubria Chamber Orchestra
Nausicaa Nisati - Alto,
Antonio Palumbo - Oboe,
​Roberto Bacchini - Organist,
Giorgio Rodolfo Marini - Director

Chopin Chapeau

October 10, 2020

1st edition Review Reviviscenze Musicali
Church of Santa Maria Annunciata - Brunello (Va)

Maestro Carlo Levi Minzi - Piano

Beethoven and Raphael

October 24, 2020

1st edition Review Reviviscenze Musicali
Church of Santa Maria Annunciata - Brunello (Va)

Insubria Chamber Orchestra
Carlo Levi Minzi - Piano
Giorgio Rodolfo Marin i
- Director

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