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Anna Prestigiacomo Painter

Anna Prestigiacomo

Anna Prestigiacomo was born in Borgomanero (NO), where she lives and works as an artnaut, as she defines herself.

Culturally trained in Novara and Milan (degree in Mathematics in 1975 and diploma in Painting at the Brera Academy in 2011), she has exhibited since 2000 in academic events (c/o S. Carpoforo, Ar-Ri-Vi and Spazio Mudima- MI, Accademia Al Testaccio- Rome,..) and exhibitions organized by bodies and associations including D'Ars, La Riseria, Art Action, Studio10, Satura, Circuiti Dinamici and Siviera. Recent collective and solo shows: The rooms of wonders (Verbania (VCO), 2071,'18,'19); Genoa Biennial (2017, '19 and '23); Water and mud (Macquarie University, Sydney, 2018); Fiber Art Biennial (Spoleto, 2018, 2021); UNMANIFESTOPERGENOVA (Genoa, 2020); IT.A.CA. Responsible Tourism Festival (Collective here DOVE-University of Pavia, 2022); with TENERE in Itinere (Naples, ABA, 2022); Personal Elisir (Milan, 2016).

​Transparency is the dominant element of his artistic research, as a component of crossing not only of light, but also of sensations and ideas, a point of contact between those who propose a work and those who look at it, dialogue between works in the same space, not Cartesian only.


Some installations play on ambiguity, on nonsense, on irony, but they are all designed to set in motion a different reflection, or rather a myriad of ideas at least as many as there are real and virtual spectators. In the pictorial field, in the same way, the works are thought of as the final and provisional stage of a research based on the concepts of "matrix" provided by Jean-François Lyotard, error by Gaston Bachelard and fold by Gilles Deleuze.


The path arises from the need to minimize personal intervention in order to bring out the reaction modes of the material, preferably paper, tissue paper and Japanese, due to its strong relationship value between human activity and nature (transparency) , with interventions of oils, natural essences and folds.



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