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Nicora Alberto - painter

Alberto Nicora


Alberto Nicora was born in Varese in 1947. He was a pupil of the well-known sculptor Angelo Frattini and is a member of the Circolo degli Artisti of Varese and of the Pro Loco of Varese. “I have been painting for over 50 years expressing the many emotions, inspired by the beauties that surround me”. The memorial synesthesias of feeling. Space and color envelop the canvas as in a poem, shape it and transform it into a vision, this is the iconography of Alberto Nicora. Author capable of grafting with quick touches and vibrant brushstrokes a compelling story of memories and life profiles. The Impressionist matrix game based on the sign and the complementarity of pure colors sparkles with a modern flair and translates into unexpected results, flattering the eye through the shattering of the chromatic fabric and the superimposition of flakes of light. As if to form a musical score as poetic as it is precise and measured, the vitality of the images captures the individual conscience in a reflective vision of existence: a few moments of life evoked and condensed with vital impetus through the eyes of the mind. In unison the works express an introspective research of a contemplative type, authentically whispered by the soul of the author who consciously relives memories and memories, transforming them into sensations and narrative images full of pathos that affirm the experience. An energetic and feverish rhythm of crumbled colors cleverly cages a robust naturalism, giving authentic meaning to the spatial composition,

Through a mnestic recall, the author elaborates sensory representations that reveal how he has internalized a precise thought, transforming it, according to the conservation of Berengson's spirit, into an original tactile interpretation. Each representation is an active distraction and synthesizes a vivid memory kept in the artist's unconscious, a simulacrum of experiences preserved by time, which he objectifies in the work, transforming his own ego into a collective reflection. Recognizable, never predictable landscapes and glimpses of everyday life are triggered on the canvas, enlivened by a clear light and an intense color that transform pure form into lyrical sentiment. Each space is interwoven with color backgrounds that interpenetrate and overlap to give life to a precise story that becomes an emblem of the reality that was and is, now immutable and immanent, distinctly understandable in the subtle perceptions of the spirit. The pictorial research of the artist from Varese turns to the meticulous investigation of the existent and of the existence, through an introspective evaluation of the world and of the human figuration; the result is a mature creative reflection on what has been one's past to underlie the future. Alberto Nicora's art can be interpreted, investigated and motivated for a long time, yet the simple act it requires is to have a sensitive and sincere gaze that reveals and shares the emotion, so that the pictorial traces do not remain simple chromatic supports, but significant experiences that move the strings of the sensitive universe.

(Valentina Zolla)

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Personal exhibitions

03/10 September 2017 – Schianno (Va) – “art exhibition”

Collective exhibitions

2019 Pavia Art Talent 3rd Edition – Pavia

contact me

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Do not hesitate to contact me.

+39 3393179455


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